zaterdag 1 november 2014

25 questions tag

hey :)
I don’t often do tags, but I saw this one at, and I liked it, so I wanted to do it myself :)
So there are 25 random questions, I looked them up on Google, and I just used these questions :)

1. Do you have any pets?
No, I don’t. We used to have a cat, when I was like 3 years old, but I don’t remember much of him…

2. Name 3 things that are physically close to you
Okay, umm.. a pen, a chair and my phone :)

3. What’s the weather like right now?
Chilly :)

4. Do you drive? If so have you crashed?
No, I don’t drive. I’m thirteen, so yeah..

5. What time did you wake up this morning?
I don’t know actually.. I ate breakfast around ten, I think I woke up like half an hour before breakfast, so I’d say half past eight.

6. When was the last time you showered?
Easy one, haha. This morning.

7. What was the last movie you saw?
The Disney movie Tangled, I love it!

8. What does your last text message say?
It’s from 1280 and they want me to buy something, haha

9. What’s your ringtone?
A standard one…

10. Have you ever been to a different country?

11. Do you like sushi?
I love sushi! <3

12. Where do you buy your groceries?
At the Albert Heijn, haha :)

13. Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster?
No, I haven’t.

14. How many siblings do you have?
I have one younger brother <3

15. Do you have a desktop computer or a laptop?
Well, we have a desktop computer at home, but that’s actually my parent’s, of course. I have a laptop, but it used to be my parent’s too, haha.

16. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?

17. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
No, I don’t wear either of them.

18. Do you color your hair?
No, I don’t. I’ve dip-dyed it once (scroll down for a video of me dip-dying my hair :)), and I’d like to do that again :)

19. Tell me something you are planning to do today.
I’m planning on watching gossip girl, haha :) I’ve seen the whole series already, but I just love it so much, so I’m watching it again :)

20. When was the last time you cried?
Too personal ;)

21. What is your perfect pizza topping?
Ooh… I think mozzarella and tomatoes and - I don’t know. It depends :)

22. Which do you prefer, hamburgers or cheeseburgers?

23. Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Yes, I have :)

24. What is your eye color?
Blue-green-grey-and a tiny bit of brown. But mostly blue.

25. Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
I don’t think so…

So, those were all the questions! I tag everyone who reads this!

xo Luna

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